B. Onnetsu balances the Autonomic Nervous System, and boosts ones inner Healing Ability through. Information Technology Energy & Power Its also important to understand that when your immunity is boosted and youre fighting the cancer, tumor markers temporarily increase. Vibrations from universe, sun and minerals from deep earths, and light. Dizzy at any time, no physical strength, short of breath, stuggle to walk up stairs. Computational phantom study of frozen melanoma imaging at 0.45 terahertz. Although this technology will still take time to be developed, [9] recognized and accepted in the field of medicine, Dr. Kazuko Tatsumura, through her Onnetsu Therapy, was the first to incorporate this outstanding technology of Terahertz waves and Far-Infrared vibrations into the world of medicine is shown in Figure 4. I wore on my thigh and my thigh feels better by 80% after 4.5 hours. An official website of the United States government. Tera-Hertz, coming from the unit of frequency with the Greek prefix meaning 10^12 (10^9 is Giga, which you must surely know from GB). Safonova TN, Fedorov AA, Surnina ZV, Sikach EI, Ozheredov IA. See this image and copyright information in PMC. Blue Light Therapy can help clear up acne and treat sun damage. Basic Heat for heathy temperature [6]. (b)Histological sections of melanoma, BCC, SCC, and some rare subtypes of skin cancer (Kaposis sarcoma and Merkels cell carcinoma). Tetrahertz is a health power stone that regulates the energy flow in the human body. Significance: An increasing interest in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to the terahertz (THz) radiation is driven by a rapid progress in THz biophotonics, observed during the past decades. It uses Dr. Toru Abos theory. They considered the possibility that it was caused by a rise in temperature but found that the small rise, of around 1.4 degrees Celsius, was not sufficient to explain the change, and concluded that it was most likely caused by a shockwave. Similarly, this limit is not specific to the professional environment [3]. Watch on. The rapid development of THz technologies and the obtained research results for skin tissue highlight the potential of THz waves as a research and therapeutic instrument. and has finally come to be recognized in recent years in Japan. Courtesy of the authors. In Compliance is a leading source of news, information, education, and inspiration for electrical and electronics engineering professionals. (a), (b)Time-dependent electric field of the THz pulse. Not a lot is known about the terahertz frequency gap, a field of science that has only recently become the focus for scientists. Patient is doing very well as of 2018 shown in Figure 2. The painting The oil, Terahertz open source scanner Terahertz and millimeter waves technologies have followed to a decade of strong development, thanks to leading promising applications fields such as hyper-spectral imaging, non-destructive testing and spectroscopy. When in sickness, look to the spine first Hippocrates, looking for unhealthy organs through Spine. Zhao X, Zhang M, Liu Y, Liu H, Ren K, Xue Q, Zhang H, Zhi N, Wang W, Wu S. iScience. Despite the attractiveness of THz technology for medical diagnosis and therapy, there is still quite limited knowledge about safe limits of THz exposure. cancer detection and treatment; regenerative medicine; skin; terahertz spectroscopy and imaging; terahertz technology. It was hanging down from the breast with tremendous odor. We specifically focus on the dielectric characterization of the varnish layer and its ageing consequences on THz images. You can chant a prayer or affirmation too. (b)Neural network formed after the THz exposure. Wang J, Lindley-Hatcher H, Chen X, Pickwell-MacPherson E. Sensors (Basel). Investigating the Impact of Synchrotron THz Radiation on the Corneal Hydration Using Synchrotron THz-Far Infrared Beamline. What is the impact of maternal hypertension and mental disorders on neonatal outcomes? The making of Therapeutic Ceramic of Far Infrared by Dr. Kazuko is shown in Figure 3. Medical PMC Now I use all over my body.. Actin solution is placed atop of a film bottom dish. The benefits of this unique device are derived from the millions of vibrations which occur within your cellular structure on a microscopic level. with the permission of SPIE. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Therapy With The iTeraCare Blower Using Terahertz Technology Helps: Reduce pain and discomfort. A tunable far-IR gas laser produced CW THz radiation. By adding other substances to this, it is possible to maximize its effect by synergistic effect. Before (a) A, THz-wave-induced DNA demethylation. Diagnostics (Basel). official website and that any information you provide is encrypted I have been wearing the terahertz for a month now and my elbows are getting much better. 2022 Oct 1;12(10):2395. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12102395. J Biomed Opt. Fore J., A review of skin and the effects of aging on skin structure and function, Ostomy Wound Manage 52(9), 2435 (2006). Routine cleansing of the stone is also very important to dissipate all the negative energies that the stone may have collected over time. Courtesy of I. N. Dolganova. , Biomedical applications of terahertz spectroscopy and imaging, Trends Biotechnol. (b)Dependence of the permeation transition on the THz-wave frequency. Lying on the mat is like getting treatments constantly. 2021;137(3):58-67. doi: 10.17116/oftalma202113703158. The Dr. Kazukos present invention: Platinum Onnetsuki; 8-10 of Far Infrared energy and Terahertz (THz) vibrations (combined ceramic). Scanning electron microscopy of the PheoChromocytoma (PC12) cells after 10-min-long THz exposure. 2009 Aug-Sep;25(8-9):739-43. doi: 10.1051/medsci/2009258-9739. Numbers dont lie. Using an infrared camera to measure over a 4 hour period capturing the increased heat radiation due to better blood flow and circulation. Increasing in Lymphocytes will increase immunity. Sun Light of Vibration precise 8-10 . Far-Infra Red Radiation and Terahertz Vibration from minerals from deep Planet Earth: This is a new Frequency Therapy using Resonance of objects. The electric field strength of. Therapeutic Benefits Of Terahertz Quantum Light Wave Energy Strengthens normal healthy cells Repairs damaged cells and detoxifies Recognizes and destroys abnormal cells Stimulates the immune system by activating weak and inactive cells Terahertz wavelength reaches the bone marrow, blood vessels and capillaries Abdulkarim YI, Altintas O, Karim AS, Awl HN, Muhammadsharif FF, Alkurt F, Bakir M, Appasani B, Karaaslan M, Dong J. ACS Omega. We provide an overview of recent research results in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to THz waves. We did like you to practice the four rules with hope and confidence in blood reports (Appendix). HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help To balance and neutralize the energies of the terahertz crystal you can pair it with Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Rhodochrosite. Onnetsu means Comfortable Heat in Japanese. The four rules are worth practicing once cancer has spread to another part of the body. Comes in a gold pouch. However, the generally high cost of such systems limits their use to academic research laboratories or high added value industries. Choose a quiet place for meditation where you will not be disturbed. It can exist in two conformations, known as (G)-actin and (F)-actin, which have different structures and functions, as the (F)-actin is a long filament made up of polymer chains of proteins. I used something similar to this before, I dont feel anything at all and I dont believe it. My knees feel very relaxed. Careers. FOIA Inset shows a scheme of the simulated system, where red and gray balls indicate the oxygen and hydrogen atoms, respectively, whereas cyan tube stands for the 1D water channel, and two cyan sheets denote the supporting membrane. We perform a review of literature and analyze the recent research achievements in THz applications for skin diagnosis and investigation. TPI of normal and diabetic feet and estimation of water content. Terahertz is a health power stone that has been gaining attention in recent years. 00:58. An excessive Granulocyte count will lead to diseases that damage tissues of the body - Autoimmune disorders may result in diseases such as cancer. Engineered nonlinear photonic quasicrystals for multi-frequency terahertz manipulation. Regarding the IEEE, the power density between 30 and 100 GHz is limited to 10 W.m-2. Table 1: Progress of lady as recovery from stage 4 brain cancer. Some metastasis places were detected and treated [3]. and aging muscle [15]. -, Nagatsuma T., Nishii H., Ikeo T., Terahertz imaging based on optical coherence tomography [Invited], Photonics Res. The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical. A genetically-engineered mouse was exposed to high-terahertz radiation for 30 minutes, and the skin of the mouse was monitored with the microscope. Reproduced from Ref. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Biomedical optics applications of advanced lasers and nonlinear optics. Effect of the 3.68-THz CW radiation on the isolated neurons at the stage of the neural network formation. Xi-Cheng Zhang has worked for nearly a decade to solve a scientific puzzle that many in the research community believed to be impossible: producing terahertz wavesa form of electromagnetic radiation in the far infrared frequency rangefrom liquid water. Enhance Lymphatic system function. Increasing number of research items in the area of biological objects exposure to, THz optical properties of the skin (epidermis). After the THz exposure, a portion of the actin solution is collected for the fluorescence microscopy. Bookshelf To further test the hypothesis, they performed experiments in living cells and found that in the cells as in the solution, the formation of actin filaments was disrupted. 2022 Same Page Publishing. Different modes of THz exposure of tissues and cells, including continuous-wave versus pulsed radiation, various powers, and number and duration of exposure cycles, ought to be systematically studied. 2022 Oct 1;12(10):2395. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12102395. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted -, Musina G., et al. shock waves with supersonic expansion. Some people will wear it all day at work. Terahertz photons are not energetic enough to break chemical. Typical dimensions of, Double-Debye models of the complex dielectric permittivity for water and epidermis, Simulated time-dependent evolution of the, Simulated time-dependent evolution of the temperature distributions in cornea heated by the THz, Numerical data on transition to a superpermeation phase of confined water across a, Important technical factors for the experimental studies on THz irradiation. Basal cell skin cancer observed by THz imaging. The wave frequency from the Terahertz stone and its ability to conduct both hot and cold thermal energy extremely quicklycan easily be tested by placing it on ice as seen in the video below. My left thigh was sore and weak. I will keep wearing until fully healed. cannot live. Terahertz is composed of silicon which has a diamond cubic crystal structure ( fcc ), Raw stones, Angels, Towers, Tumbled stones. Results: The present inventions device and method creates Heat at a temperature of 70C. Terahertz stone can be placed anywhere on the body and can be worn all day and at night while sleeping. , CC BY 4.0. 62, 177 (2018).PQUEAH10.1016/j.pquantelec.2018.10.001 with the permission of Springer Nature. We start on Spine down little by little, counting 2 counts on each second. Figure 8: Wavelengths of Far Infrared sun ray and terahertz vibrate in similar areas. "Terahertz" is characterized by a shining silvery visual. The less the count is the colder cells are. GenScript, which is listed in Hong Kong, disclosed the . Researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) announced findings from a research project that exposure to terahertz radiation on an animal showed signs of infections on skin tissue. -, Zaytsev K. I., et al. TPS of biotissue samples in reflection mode: (a)a spectroscopy unit for placing the sample; (b)reference. This review helps the biomedical optics community to summarize up-to-date knowledge in the area of cell exposure to THz radiation, and paves the ways for the development of THz safety standards and THz therapeutic applications. Reproduced from Ref. Now, relax your body and set the intention for the stone to give the healing needed. Reproduced from, MeSH -, Smolyanskaya O., et al. 2009 Jul 6;17(14):11558-64. doi: 10.1364/oe.17.011558. Because the Terahertz wave vibrates together and resonates with normal human cells (healthy cells), it has a very high antioxidant effect, and it starts working removal of waste such as active oxygen generated from disorder of stress, unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. In Japan, taking bath daily has another important purpose; warming inner body [12]. The UV beam at 270 nm was, Actin polymerization affected by the THz exposure in an aqueous solution. Wearing it on my hand it immediately eased it, now I am not dizzy and have more energy. Terahertz rock 1 Kg only several drops of Terahertz ceramics can be produced. The frequency is 1 trillion vibrations in 1 second. Muscle soreness will also improve. We start with a brief overview of general features of the THz-wave-tissue interactions, as well as modern THz emitters, with an emphasis on those that are reliable for studying the biological effects of THz waves. J Biomed Opt. Since Terahertz is one of the rarest stones in the market, Terahertz jewelry is quite difficult to obtain and it is more expensive compared to other stones that are widely available in the market. Quantum Electron. Terahertz, submilimeter waves, T-rays or far-infrared rays are the part of the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and invisible light. Unclog vessels and restores homeostasis in the body. [Experimental investigation of the safety of terahertz radiation in corneal hydration assessment]. Nikitkina AI, Bikmulina PY, Gafarova ER, Kosheleva NV, Efremov YM, Bezrukov EA, Butnaru DV, Dolganova IN, Chernomyrdin NV, Cherkasova OP, Gavdush AA, Timashev PS. The size of cancer was about 15 cm (6 inches) in diameter, about a melon size. Consumer Electronics -, Zaytsev K., et al. Acupuncture Medicine: Its Historical and Clinical Background- Yoshiaki Omura, MD. 8600 Rockville Pike Far infrared rays are indispensable for maintaining life in healing, rejuvenating, but by combining with Terahertz, Far infrared [10] waves penetrates deeper cellular tissues of the body and can make the healing faster and more effective (Figures 6-8). 2021 Sep;26(9):090902. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.26.9.090902. It is common for gynecologic cancer treatment to cause side effects, but many patients find relief through palliative care, integrative therapies, dietary changes, and more. 2022 Jan;63(1):29-36. doi: 10.1002/em.22470. The resulting pulses last about a picosecond and peaked at a frequency of 0.5 THz with a bandwidth of 0.1-2 THz. First, electromagnetic radiation of terahertz range at molecular spectrum frequencies of nitride oxide (from 150.176 to 150.664 GHz) is used in clinical practice for 30 patients with stenocardia and arterial hypertension. iTerraCare Terahertz Water Benefits. with the permission of MDPI. through the technology of time-resolved transient spectroscopy. Hara Diagnosis: Reflections on the Sea- Kiiko Matsumoto and Stephen Birch. Additionally, MRI-guidance was associated with a smaller percentage of patients with a 15 point or greater increase in their International Prostate Symptom Score which measures . Terahertz is an electromagnetic wave with the same vibration frequency as human cells (2-17 THz); it can resonate and activate human cells. Place the Terahertz stone on your heart chakra or near the body part you wish to heal. Highly Sensitive Dual-Band Terahertz Metamaterial Absorber for Biomedical Applications: Simulation and Experiment. Healing with Whole Foods: Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition- Paul Pitchford. Any significant changes decreasing in lymphocytes percentages will decrease immunity. He can tolerate gradually the heat. Flow between organs and relations of organs: Ancient Chinese theory. J Oncol Res Treat 3: 123. Patient received no other treatment. 2(4), B64B69 (2014).10.1364/PRJ.2.000B64 Gene expression profiles of the human epidermal keratinocytes exposed to the THz radiation at different frequencies. Approach: Automotive Content of this site is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License Copyright FOIA Terahertz can be worn from a few hours to all the time. Using fluorescence microscopy, they looked at the effect of terahertz radiation on the growth of chains in an aqueous solution of actin and found that it led to a decrease in filaments. Being an orthodox Jew, no supplement was given. , CC, Basal cell skin cancer observed by THz imaging in vivo : (a) photograph, The possibilities of different THz techniques to detect skin cancer types: (a), (b), TPI of normal and diabetic feet and estimation of water content. Tan SZ, Tan PC, Luo LQ, Chi YL, Yang ZL, Zhao XL, Zhao L, Dong J, Zhang J, Yao BW, Xu XP, Tian G, Chen JK, Wang H, Peng RY. Read more about the first time a study has found there to be side effects from exposure to terahertz radiation. Schematic representation of the human skin structure. 2022 Oct 14;7(42):38094-38104. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.2c06118. Even the moonlight (new moon, full moon) will release a large . It is important that you consult a qualified medical professional immediately if you have concerns about your health. Detox toxins and harmful substances from the body. Dr. Zertuchas photos June 12, 2013 Cuba (one week after Onnetsu treatment started) and June 27 (3 weeks after daily treatments). Now I dont have to take sleeping pills as before. The power required to achieve thermal effects are difficult to achieve for conventional laboratory systems. On June 25, 2018. mRNA Medicine: whats next after the COVID-19 vaccine? Figure 7: Far Infrared sun ray and its wavelength. The problem of experimental data reproducibility, caused by rareness of the THz experimental setups and an absence of unitary protocols, is also considered. On terahertz therapy side effects dielectric characterization of the 3.68-THz CW radiation on the isolated neurons at stage. Drops of terahertz ceramics can be worn all day and at night while.! Become the focus for scientists no physical strength, short of breath stuggle. Frozen melanoma imaging at 0.45 terahertz vibrations from universe, sun and minerals from deep earths, and several advanced. ) in diameter, about a melon size this before, I dont have to take sleeping pills as.... 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