The State Bar of Arizona offers online access to disciplinary actions against lawyers since 2012. Registration is required. Links to a complaint form, brochures, and publications are provided. January 11, 2023. Also, the law may vary from state-to-state or county-to-county, so that some information in this website may not be correct for your situation. Warrant court is held Monday through Thursday from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM. The site may be searched by keyword. $25/hr 2 h-hour maximum, includes the set-up and break-down of 1 net and the use of 1 volleyball. Call membership at 520.299.3000 to reserve. Completion of driving school may result in dismissed citations for eligible violations. Search Online Court Calendar for Events Scheduled Today or in the Future. The Arizona Public Defender Association offers contact information and links for Public Defender offices by city and county. View information about defensive driving schools, including eligibility requirements, a list of eligible violations, and a list of courts that allow extensions of time. Prepared forms must be printed and filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court, 110 W. Congress, Tucson, Arizona 85701. View information about the departments of Pima County Public Defense Services, including Public Defender, Legal Defender, Legal Advocate, Public Fiduciary, Office of Court Appointed Counsel, Office of Children's Counsel, and Mental Health Defender. View information about Tucson City Court Domestic Violence Court, including links to instructions and a form for filing an Order of Protection, instructions and a form for filing a motion, and an agency that provides services to domestic violence victims. Court Calendar Quick Defendant Public Search Docket Number Docket Search: The Docket Number is located at the top of a form provided by the court. Indoor Arts and Crafts Market. If you do have an outstanding warrant, you will need to attend warrant court. Tucson City Court Defendant Hearing Calendar Search Tucson City Court defendant hearing dates calendar by docket number, citation number, or defendant name. TUCSON CITY COURT CALENDAR DOCKET MAY . A fee applies. [1] See also Arizona Municipal Courts Footnotes Arizona's Municipal Courts on Arizona courts Federal courts: Refer to the How to Sign Up for Defensive Driving School section for additional information. In addition to jail time, Walker must pay $2,000 in fines and $7,628.39 in restitution to the Tucson City Court for the Vail School District, court records say. The purpose of this section is to inform you of your RIGHTS and of COURT PROCEDURE. (520) 724-4264, Dial 711 for Arizona Relay Service Provide Feedback or Ask Questions, Copyright 2023 - Arizona Superior Court in Pima County ||, Court Interpretation and Translation Services. Appear at the court, or call 520-917-1569, between 8:00am and 4:30pm, Monday-Friday. Lists of participating and non-participating courts are provided. PDF Calendars. The State Bar of Arizona provides information about complaints against lawyers, including types of complaints, a description of the disciplinary process, and a link to an online complaint form. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance, and can be made up to one week in advance. If you need additional calendar information, please contact the Clerk's Office. While we strive to provide current and accurate information, there may be occasions where a scheduled hearing does not appear, or appears but has been rescheduled or vacated. Main line: 520-382-1999 The service is free; registration is required. Example: 123456789 Citation Number Complaint Search: The complaint number is located in the upper left-hand corner of the ticket in a box labeled Notice. January 10, 2023 . AZPOINT; Court Calendar; Contact Us; Share Your Experience Customer Comment Form; Court Administrative Orders & Directives does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Home Calendars Calendar information is subject to change. Calendar Pima County Consolidated Justice Court Calendar COVID-19 UPDATE: The court is limiting in person court appearances. Tucson Food Truck Rally Jacome Plaza. Select the "Your Rights" or "Stories" menu item at the top of the page for more questions and answers about various topics. View information about Tucson Veterans Court, which can set up treatment programs in lieu of incarceration for some veterans with mental health problems who commit non-violent offenses. View map of Tucson Municipal Court, and get driving directions from your location. Please Note: Public Services Information Desk will give out last number for serviceat 4:30 PM on Monday/ Tuesday/Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday. The State Bar of Arizona offers information about working with a lawyer and legal specialists. If you did not receive an information envelope, you can view the Civil Traffic Bond Card online. (Full Court Calendars replace the PDF calendars. Arriving early will allow you time to find your assigned courtroom. On the date of your hearing: 1. your name will be posted on the court calendar located in the courtyard of Tucson City Court, 2. search for your name on court calendar to determine the location of your court hearing. Tucson City Courthouse 103 E Alameda St, Tucson, AZ 85701 Tucson City Court Warrants You can check for municipal court warrants via the Tucson City Court's website. Tucson City Court Records (Tucson, Arizona) Search Tucson City Court calendar by docket number, citation number, name, and DOB. The Arizona Attorney General's Office offers information for seniors about consumer scams, life care planning, abuse, and links to additional resources. Topics include family law, child support, civil law, criminal law, domestic violence, evictions, garnishment, juvenile law, probate, small claims, tax law, traffic law, crime victim restitution, and additional information and services for victims. The court calendar, also known as the docket, is a resource to help you stay organized. 5 Seasons of Fun. Main Address:Marana Municipal Complex11555 W Civic Center DriveMarana, AZ 85653map it, Town of Marana, 11555 W Civic Center Dr, Marana, AZ, 85653, MUNICIPAL COURT - Civil Traffic Violations, MUNICIPAL COURT - Marriage License & Weddings, MUNICIPAL COURT - Injunctions Against Harrassment. Looking to rent the gym for your own team or program? View information about the Pima County Bar Association's Qualified Income Legal Team (QUILT) Modest Means Program, which provides reduced-rate legal services on a sliding scale based on the party's income. In 2017, I obtained an L.L.M from the University of Las Vegas, School of Law along with over three hundred hours of Continuing Legal Education in various legal studies. Tucson City Court Careers and Employment Rating overview Rating is calculated based on 10 reviews and is evolving. The Jury Commissioner's Office provides qualified jurors for trials in the Arizona Superior Court in Pima County, Tucson City Court, Pima County Consolidated Justice Courts, and for County and State grand juries. kr. Theses offices provide free legal services to indigent defendants, juveniles, and incapacitated parties. Online at There will be a $5.00 processing fee for online payments. section. Find It In Tucson Calendar of Events. Online and in-person classes may be searched by your court date. If you decide to have an attorney represent you, you must notify the Court, in writing, ten days prior to your hearing. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec. Click here to view the Presumptive Hearing Types, Main line:520-382-1999Emergency:911Police:520-382-2000Development Services:520-382-2600Animal Services:520-382-8020Parks & Recreation:520-382-1950Court:520-382-2700Airport:520-382-8052Water:520-382-2570Public Works: 520-382-2536. FY17 Monthly Reports; Request to record in the Tucson City Court and, or courtrooms; Your Day in Court; Languages Other Than English (Interpreter) Protection Orders. The Pima County Attorney's Office offers downloadable brochures and guides about topics including adoption, child safety, internet safety, traffic tickets, mental health evaluation, victim compensation, illegal workers, and victims' rights. Locations of Courts in Tucson Pima County Superior Court 110 West Congress Street, Tucson, AZ 85701 Phone: (520) 724-3200 Fax: (520) 724-3531 Pima County Consolidated Justice Court 240 North Stone Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701 Phone: (520) 724-3171 Tucson City Court 103 East Alameda Street, P.O. A description of case number formats is provided to assist with selection of the correct type of form. Tucson City Court is now livestreaming initial appearances on Youtube. Civil traffic citations issued by the Tucson Police Department are handled in Tucson City Court. You cannot be represented by someone who is not an attorney. Courthouse: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding court-observed holidays Contact Number (s) 520-205-4200 The Court convenes on the date listed on the citation to accept the pleas of those who have been arrested, or cited and charged, with committing misdemeanor violations within . Homeless Court; TTEAP; Veteran's Court; Reports and Statistics. View information for parties without an attorney in Tucson City Court, including civil rights, pre-trial conferences, trial preparation and procedure, common errors, definitions of terms, and answers to frequently asked questions. The fees are subject to change. The court address is 1601 S 6th Avenue, South Tucson AZ 85713. South Tucson Municipal Court is located in Pima county in Arizona. Tucson City Court 103 E. Alameda St. Tucson,Arizona United States 85701 520-791-4216 Mon-Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm Contact Pima Municipal Courts Contact Information Phone #520-791-4216 TDD/TTD #520-791-2639 Email Website Accepted Methods of Payment If your name does not appear, please contact the Court at 480-644-2255 Home; About Us; Residents; City Hall; Business; The Court will notify the Arizona Department of Motor Vehicle Division of your failure to respond to your traffic citation. 5 AM 8:30 PM(South courts only 4-5 pm + North courts only 6-8pm), 5 AM 8:30 PM(South courts only from 4-5 pm + North courts only from 6:30-8pm), 5 AM 8:30 PM(South courts only 3-5 pm + 6-8pm), 5 AM 8:30 PM(North courts only from 6-8:30pm), 5 AM 6 PM(North court only from 4:30-6pm), 10 AM 6 PM(North Court only) Starting March 5, 7am-6pm. Members can play at their leisure and book a volleyball net! Most hearings will be scheduled as a zoom video appearance or telephonic appearance. February . The phone number for South Tucson Municipal Court is 520-917-1568 and the fax number is 520-623-5001. yd. Public Defender services include free or low-cost representation in criminal defense, mental health, and juvenile matters for income-eligible clients. Have a question? City of South Tucson Arizona The Pueblo within a city. Resources for the Tucson City Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Pima County, Arizona, and resources applicable to all courts inArizona. Website, Cash, cashier check, personal check, credit card, money order, travelers check, New Years Day; Martin Luther King Jr. Day; President's Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Veteran's Day; Thanksgiving; Day after Thanksgiving; Christmas Eve; Christmas Day; New Year's Eve. Read instructions and download a form to file a motion in Tucson City Court. I have volunteered as a Board Member of the Community Action Agency and the Manzo Area Council along with volunteering with the American Youth Soccer Organization as a soccer coach and referee. From winter (December-January-February) to spring (late-Feb to April) with two summers following dry summer (May-early July) and rainy summer (mid-July to mid-September) and gliding into autumn (October-November). Published opinions and orders Arizona Attorney General Legal Opinions Home Contact Us Employment Glossary of Legal Terms FAQs Court Locations for Attorneys for Jurors for those Proceeding Without an Attorney, Administrative Policies & Procedures Manual, Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER), U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Phone: 520-917-1568 Fax: 520-623-5001 Column 1. Phone service is from 8:00a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Find an answer or submit your question to the court, Office of Economic Initiatives (ConnectTucson), Request to record in the Tucson City Court and, or courtrooms, Languages Other Than English (Interpreter), Share Your Experience Customer Comment Form. View and download court forms and instructions by topic from the Arizona Self Service Center. The Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct offers information about judicial conduct rules, instructions for filing a complaint against a judge, and links to ethics opinions and public decisions resulting from filed complaints. Prior to Judicial appointment I served as a Pro Tem Judge for 13 years with the City of South Tucson, City Court. Information is available for all criminal courts in New York City and Nassau and Suffolk Counties, some County Courts, and many City Courts. January 9, 2023. Search Tucson City Court defendant hearing dates calendar by docket number, citation number, or defendant name. Tucson City Court Calendar U.S. District Court Tucson Calendar NEWS/ANNOUNCEMENTS Superior Court Seeking Volunteer Judges Pro Tempore in 2023 - Apply Now! Calendars are posted one week at a time. 1. your name will be posted on the court calendar located in the courtyard of Tucson City Court 2. search for your name on court calendar to determine the location of your court hearing It is recommended to appear at Court at least 15 minutes before your scheduled hearing time. Tucson City Court Defendant Hearing Calendar, Tucson City Court Civil Traffic Information, Tucson City Court Domestic Violence Court and Orders of Protection, Tucson City Court Injunction Against Harassment, Tucson City Court Parking Citation Information, Tucson City Court Time Payments for License Reinstatement, Pima County Attorney's Office Brochures and Guides, Arizona Defensive Driving School Information, Arizona Domestic Violence and Protective Orders, Arizona Legal Information and Legal Resources. . collections slowed as restitution cases were on hold via court mandates 3,950 employees virtually attended OSHA required trainings 162 facility inspections AZCourtHelp provides a directory of topics for which forms are available, with links to state and county forms, criteria and instructions related to the forms, answers to frequently asked questions, and information about the types of cases related to the forms. South Tucson, Arizona 85713, Address: 1601 South 6th Ave.Tucson, Arizona 85713. If you are unable to locate your name on the court calendar, seek assistance at the Information Desk in Public Services lobby, room 104. Tucson City Court Records (Tucson, Arizona) Search Tucson City Court calendar by docket number, citation number, name, and DOB. Check your county's information for changes to hours of operations, remote hearings, announcements, and more. Select the "Questions" menu item at the top of the page for answers to questions about legal issues, or to ask a question. View information about the Mental Health Division of Tucson City Court, which can set up treatment in lieu of incarceration for some offenders with mental health problems. The District of Arizona, U.S. District Court, will be closed on these days. NEWS/ANNOUNCEMENTS Recruitment Event and Job Fair, Thursday, January 26 at Kino Event Center Forms and instructions can be accessed here: La Corte Suprema de Arizona ha adoptado formularios de peticin e instrucciones para que las personas los usen para solicitar a la corte una orden de eliminacin. Calendars are posted one week at a time. We strive to provide accurate information, however, is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. Tucson City Court Daily Calendar View the complete calendar of today's cases in Tucson City Court. As a lifelong Tucsonian I went to Salpointe High School, and the University of Arizona where I graduated with a bachelor's Degree in Business and Public Administration with a major in Economics. Calendar information is subject to change. Fees apply. View information about civil traffic cases in Tucson City Court, including pleas, fine payment, defensive driving school, and community service. The Utah State Courts mission is to provide the people an open, fair . You must appear in court to obtain information for this option. Criminal . A quick way to find answers to our most frequently asked questions. Udall Park Farmer's Market. Use the "Select Language" drop-down menu on the upper right corner of the website to translate the information into various languages. Address 405 W. Congress Street, Suite 1500 Tucson, AZ 85701-5010 Business Hours Clerk's Office: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Submit by mailing to address or by e-mailing to email address, both listed below: Mail to: Tucson City Court , PO Box 27210 , Tucson, AZ 85726-7210. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Docket numbers are 8 - 10 digits. Tucson Municipal Court in Tucson, Arizona, get driving directions from your location, Pima County Clerk of The Superior Court Records, Pima County Consolidated Justice Court Records, Pima County Consolidated Justice Court Records (Arizona), Pima Superior Court Clerk Marriage Applications, Tucson City Court Records (Tucson, Arizona). Listed below are options available to resolve your traffic court case. Search case records for most Arizona courts, and Superior Court minute entries for most counties. You will receive notification via-mail or via-telephone. It is recommended to appear at Court at least 15 minutes before your scheduled hearing time. The Arizona Domestic Violence Legal Services Project offers a list of organizations that provide legal assistance to victims of domestic violence. Information is also available in Spanish. The Pima County Bar Association offers a lawyer referral service by telephone or online request form for a nominal fee, which includes an initial consultation with a lawyer. Forms are available in English and Spanish. The Tucson Municipal Court is a trial court of limited jurisdiction over city and town ordinance violations in Pima County, Arizona. View information about the Arizona Legal Document Preparer Program, which permits trained and certified people who are not lawyers to assist self-represented parties with their legal documents. South Tucson Municipal Court Mail: 1601 S 6th Ave South , Tucson , AZ 85713; Map . I look forward to serving the Community of South Tucson and continuing the higher standards for the City Court previously established over the years. NOW HIRING POLICE OFFICERS AND POLICE RESERVE OFFICERS - OPEN AND CONTINUOUS. 9th Floor Capacity for basketball is 5 players per hoop. Contact Tucson City Court | Official website of the City of Tucson Contact Tucson City Court LOCATION: 103 E Alameda, Tucson, AZ Court CLOSED on major holidays CONTACT BY MAIL: PO Box 27210, Tucson AZ 85726-7210 ON-LINE: HOURS: Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juveniles must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when appearing in court. Tucson International Jewish Film Festival, (South courts only 4-5 pm + North courts only 6-8pm), (South courts only from 4-5 pm + North courts only from 6:30-8pm). $25/hr 2 h-hour maximum, includes the set-up and break-down of 1 net and the use of 1 volleyball. The Judicial Branch Self-Service Center offers information and guidance to individuals representing themselves in court. . Search Tucson City Court defendant records online. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Departments; Fire; Housing Authority; . Jacome Plaza. January 11, 2023 video. Day: To see the result within the judge's calendar for that day and location. In-Custody Video Hearings and Preliminary Hearings will resume as normal. Please include your FULL NAME and DATE OF BIRTH to locate your court records; current address and phone number are required. AZPOINT; Court Calendar; Contact Us; Share Your Experience Customer Comment Form; Court Administrative Orders & Directives Attend Defensive Driving School (DDS) at least seven (7) days PRIOR TO your APPEARANCE DATE . Search Website . Learn where things happen and get out on the town. Use an online interview process to create forms for use in small claims cases in Arizona Justice Courts. 1601 South Sixth Avenue City of Tucson departments work every day to serve the citizens of Tucson. A link to a mobile version is provided. 19 Jan. 10:00 am. 2008 2023 PeopleConnect, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use the "Select Language" drop-down menu on the upper right corner of the website to translate the information into various languages. Call membership at 520.299.3000 to reserve. Directions. Appear at the court, or call 520-917-1569, between 8:00am and 4:30pm, Monday-Friday. The word "responsible" is used with civil traffic and civil infractions while the word "guilty" is used with criminal violations. The Clerk of the Superior Court has a fee schedule for filing fees that must be paid with the filing of these legal forms and the cost of making copies. Please visit GoodHire for all your employment screening needs. Resources include online forms, instructional booklets, information for seniors and veterans, and a directory of county self-service centers. Submit by mailing to address or by e-mailing to email address, both listed below: Mail to: Tucson City Court , PO Box 27210 , Tucson, AZ 85726-7210. Complete and submit an online form to request Tucson City Court records. If you did not receive an information envelope, you can view the, To reschedule your court hearing, refer to the, How to Sign Up for Defensive Driving School, Office of Economic Initiatives (ConnectTucson), Request to record in the Tucson City Court and, or courtrooms, Languages Other Than English (Interpreter), Share Your Experience Customer Comment Form. Los formularios e instrucciones se pueden consultar aqu: Record Request Audio Only -- NEW -- Click the link below. Contact Mallory Shenker, Athletics & Aquatics Director, The J offers a variety of youth sports leagues, lessons, and clinics for all ages and skill levels. A fee applies. Single Focus Web. Website Court Calendar. If you select this option -- you wish to contest the citation issued to you and schedule a hearing before a judge. Search for the date, time, and location of a court appearance, citation number, and more. Each court is unique in how they post their calendar; online, outside the courthouse; outside the courtroom; at the window of the clerk; etc. Government | Neighborhoods | Business | Departments | Mayor & Council | Employment | Contact City | Privacy Policies, Pay the amount of the sanction/fine by mail, on-line, by phone or in-person, on or before your court date, unless otherwise stated on the information envelope given to you by the police officer. To learn more, click the following link: Do not sell my info. No legal advice is offered here and this site is not an alternative to competent legal counsel. While we strive to provide current and accurate information, there may be occasions where a scheduled hearing does not appear, or appears but has been rescheduled or vacated. Tucson Events Calendar: Post your event to the community calendar. Supreme Court Oral Argument Calendar. Tucson Police Department View Tucson Police Department home page, including maps, statistics, and contact information. I have been a member with the Arizona State Bar, Pima County Bar, American Bar Association, Federal Association, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and the U.S Supreme Court. AZCourtHelp offers information about the court system, links to self-help resources by topic, form assistance by topic, a court finder, answers to frequently asked questions, a glossary of legal terms, information about protective orders and eviction, links to court calendars and sources of case records, notifications of upcoming legal talks and clinics, a live chat with a law librarian, and legal guidance for seniors, children, and veterans. Search Arizona Revised Statutes by keyword, or browse the index of titles online. Terms and Conditions. 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